Now Finished with The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington

Confession: I've been avoiding you. Pretty obvious? Yeah, I know. I've been avoiding you because I was avoiding The Magnificent Ambersons. And Georgie. FFS! I hate this kid. I waited the whole book.... oh wait... SPOILERS .... SPOILERS AHEAD..... Vector illustration of the word Spoiler in red ink stam He does, but not as IContinue reading "Now Finished with The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington"

Magnificent is Facetious

The Magnificent Amberson are becoming a bit tarnished. I'm 60% through the novel. Published in 1918, I've found (as with His Family that we just finished) a timelessness of social woe. In today's timeless lesson on social behavior, we hold up: The entitlement of youth. And boy oh boy this kid's got it in SPADESContinue reading "Magnificent is Facetious"


I have been reading our current Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Magnificent Ambersons by Boothe Tarkington. I'm just having trouble with our dear MC Georgie. I hate him. There I said it. Despise him. Am only interested in reading on to see if he gets the crap beat out of him. This slow turn-of-heart is notContinue reading "Squirrel!!"

Now Reading: The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington

The Longest Reading Tour Ever moves on to book #2 on the Pulitzer Prize list. The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington. (Available at Project Gutenberg) Published in 1918, TMA is the second book of Tarkington's Growth trilogy. It confuses me that the second book in a trilogy can win without the first. They obviously buildContinue reading "Now Reading: The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington"

His Family Wrap Up

Welcome back to the Pulitzer Prize List for Novel and Fiction Read-a-long! If you've just joined us, you've just found us. We're reading (and discussing) the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel/Fiction books. In order. We're early in the Longest Reading Tour Ever, having just completed the first book on the list. We've finished our firstContinue reading "His Family Wrap Up"