Now Reading: The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington

The Longest Reading Tour Ever moves on to book #2 on the Pulitzer Prize list. The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington. (Available at Project Gutenberg) Published in 1918, TMA is the second book of Tarkington’s Growth trilogy. It confuses me that the second book in a trilogy can win without the first. They obviously buildContinueContinue reading “Now Reading: The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington”


Living in Iowa City, Iowa (Home of the Iowa Writer’s Workshop), I’m surrounded by a great literary tradition, great literary opportunities with readings and visiting authors, great literary aspirations with Iowa Writer’s House and a strong cluster of writers groups called The Writer’s Rooms. There is a ‘room’ for every genre and every skill level,ContinueContinue reading “Prosetry”