Enter the Plot twist

I’ll keep spoilers out if you’re finding this post and haven’t read His Family yet but are considering it. The thing about change is it comes, out of the blue sometimes, if we want it to or not. Man on the edge of a cliff. You can only stand on the precipice so long beforeContinueContinue reading “Enter the Plot twist”

Walking The Children, story by Laura J. Hanson at Spillwords.com

Spillwords.com presents: Walking The Children, a short story by Laura J. Hanson, who holds a Liberal Art Bachelors and a Creative Writing … Source: Walking The Children, story by Laura J. Hanson at Spillwords.com Pop onto WWW.Spillwords.com and give me read and a like if you’re so inclined! Feedback always always well taken, I haveContinueContinue reading “Walking The Children, story by Laura J. Hanson at Spillwords.com”