His Family Wrap Up

Welcome back to the Pulitzer Prize List for Novel and Fiction Read-a-long! If you’ve just joined us, you’ve just found us. We’re reading (and discussing) the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel/Fiction books. In order. We’re early in the Longest Reading Tour Ever, having just completed the first book on the list.

We’ve finished our first Pulitzer Prize list novel Read-a-longers! I hope you enjoyed it! It didn’t hold many surprises, wrapped up neatly. Satisfyingly. In my opinion.

I stand by my analogy. This was very Dickinsonian. He was not a father and a widow. He was a country, on the knifes edge of change. His daughters weren’t his daughters. They were A Christmas Carol’s -ish look at Past, Present, and Future. (Made blatantly clear in the closing scenes.) Looked at that way, His Family was a great book.

I also have to take push myself back to 1917. War looming, political changes, economic changes as the face of industry shifts. Like a mountain shift when the top blows off, and it reveals itself to be a volcano. But they didn’t know that. No matter how much they may have sensed that. The choices to face change laid out in realistic shades of gray.

If you haven’t read it, I didn’t reveal too much. Maybe colored how you look at it going in. But give it a read. Despite how long it took me, it’s a quick read. I was so pleasantly surprised at smoothly it read. Probably why I had to keep reminding myself it wasn’t historical fiction but a contemporary novel.

So next?

The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington

288 pages long, so another (assumedly ) quick read. Published in 1918. With 3.78 stars on Goodreads. Another family saga that I hope gives some enticing opportunities for both discussion and comparative critique. After all, it’s going up against my favorite book of the read-a-long! Yeah yeah yeah… so far.

The official start won’t be until Next Monday, March 14th. Give any of the Read-a-longers a chance to source a copy.

In the meantime, I’m finally getting around to reading My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante. I’m about 10% in. Having a hard start. It may have more to do with my circumstances than the book. We’ll see.

I’m also a touch ADD with my reading. Here’s what I’ve got going as well as the Pulitzer Read-a-long and MBF:

The Artists Way – By Julia Cameron

I’ve been working through this course. Have you ever gone through it? It’s helped boost my inspiration. I’m one of those writers that love to write and read about writing and find myself with less productivity than I’d prefer. This course is certainly helping! 3 new stories. 2 completed, one in process.

Writing Down The Bones – Natalie Goldberg

I’d say a direct result of working through The Artists Way and the increased attention I’m giving to my writing and goals.

What about you? What prompted you to join the Read-a-long? What else catches your interest when you’ve not got a book in front of your face?

What book on the Pulitzer Prize list are you looking forward to? What have you already read? (speaking of which, yes, I do plan to re-read the ones I’ve read before.)

Can’t wait to hear!

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